"Daemons of Desire
"Today is the day of Zairik, the creator and deliverer of poison. One of the Daeva present within the two pronged manifestation of Taromaiti the Demon associated with the Mulandura Chackra via Ahrimanic Yoga. Together with Tarich, the agitating influence of discontent. Rebellious and non confirming attributes of the warrior shade are awakened by self confidence through this medium. The Advesarial pantheons poses the elements of the seducer and the whore, the actuator and the cup of manifestation/creation. The Goat horn Sigil symbolizes both , unified as two conduits. Symbolic of Baphometic fire , the Horn of fire possesses sharpness of thought and the expanse of potentiality. Two truths which oppose each other are considered a lie in our western monotheistic society. When both truths are true, truth is amoral to the individual. The Yatus is capable of navigating limitless potentiality having a mind with no restrictive limits. " July 2020
As described in many of the grimoires written by Michael Ford, invocations for me concern the raising of awareness of deific masks from within the consciousness of the initiate. Taromaiti represents the embodiment of the two Daevas in the Yatukin tradition associated with the Muladhara chakra. Anyone wanting to follow the suggestions of these grimoires is free to do so. I am going to write my own ritual as an example as to how I create my magickal experience. I suggest one spends a little time before this ritual studying Taromati and the two daevas associated with this Mask.
Taromati is an associative name concerning Taurvi Zairikwhich both symbolize the thirst for rebellious action and the poison which incites it. Notice how within the myths of Tiamat, humans were given venom for blood. My intent within this ritual is to invoke the thirst and desire to rebel against inward dwelling obstacles, to destroy contentment within our inherited slave mentalities. I view this Daeva as a twin serpent, which embodies the Adversarial practice of Ahrimanic yoga and the goal of achieving consciousness of Ahazi Dahak. We all want to rebel, discontentment is uncomfortable but effective. Often, the obstacles that block our path are inward attitudes, the consequences of the decisions we have made. Invocation for me ignites the energies which transcend and overcome those obstacles.
The first thing I will say is that when it comes to Yatukin sorcery, I will go out into the woods or a park and try to find dead matter to bring to the altar as described in the grimoires. Old wasp nests, bones, dead insects, decaying flesh, poisonous herbs, all of these things I offer on my altar to the Daeva or Druj I am invoking. I posted a short article on the LRS blogs to give a small picture of Taromati and my opinion concerning her connection to “The Lie” a term which represents the LHP attitude of rejecting absolute truth and dualism to expand consciousness to include the possibility of more than one perspective into my consciousness.
You will see within this ritual I will use the planets in the four cardinal directions to invoke attach and rebellion against the stars as described in the Grimoire Drauga, in order to open the gateway for this Daevonic gnosis. I suggest if you are going to use this ritual that you have those planetary symbols memorized for visualization. I personally associate Taromatai also with the concept of the mother serpent being the foundational connection with the Black Flame as we see with Lilith and Tiamat.
I will place my altar in the west symbolizing focus on the serpent mother and her subconscious connection as the west is associated with Leviathan and the waters of the deep. Usually, I always begin in the north, but for this ritual, I will start in the west. There are instructions in the book Liber Null for creating personalized subliminal sigils I suggest you use a sigil from one of the grimoires or make your own with that method. I will make incense using black candle wax, wormwood, and mugwort. I will also look for poisonous seeds that can be placed on the altar as an offering to the poisonous spirit of rebellion. May it ever grow within me. I have given clues as to where to find information about these approaches to Yatukin Sorcery and I encourage anyone interested in checking out the texts or links I will provide at the end of this letter.
The last practice of mine that I will share concerns the attainment of what is known as an atavistic resurgence, the recollection or vision of primal and subconscious connection to deific masks. I have had encounters with this experience via techniques practiced by Spare. Trance and lucid dreaming states of mind are achieved by bringing the mind into a state of timeless forgetting and nonattachment to waking perception. Chanting the mantras until you forget the meaning, charging a sigil via will focus until one forgets the meaning. I encourage anyone to investigate these techniques and use them accordingly.
My rituals follow a pattern of raising the black flame exactly from this point, from the base of the spine so I suggest you spend some time before or after this ritual with Ahrimanic yoga, sometimes I will use it after the ritual for astral projection purposes. That seems to create more results for me. I am leaving details out of this short explanation in hopes it will create discourse in this group within the days before this ritual. I will conduct this ritual at noon, the very hour that Ahriman entered the firmament to attack Ohuramazd.
Invocation of Taromaiti
The Yatus will begin with chanting this Staota until the desired state of trance is obtained.
Drakala Nonansturma Izzadranna
Facing North, the Yatus will chant these words to open the consciousness to the gates of Arezura:
Facing West: Chant Vahran while focusing on the symbol of Mars
Facing South: Chant Anihita focusing on the Symbol of Venus
Facing East:Chant: Tir focusing on the Symbol of Mercury
Facing North: Facing the symbol of Jupiter-Ring your altar Bell 10 times and say: “I am now become Gochihr and Musparik, I command the stars, I am that which drinks of the light.” x 10
Zrazza Yatukisala-
chanted while focusing on your sigil ( this can take some time, my goal is to achieve a state where time is forgotten ….
Study References:
Drauga: Michael W Ford - 2014
Bible of The Adversary-2017 edition
Liber Null & Psychonatught -Peter J Carol-1987
The Magickal Revival- Kenneth Grant-1972
The Pocket Austin Osman Spare-2020
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