Savar : Chaos Spoken



                                                       Seal Created by Francesca Lingesso


                                                                           Chaos Spoken

     Savar is the Daeva of the Throat or Vishuddha Chakra within the Unique and specialized practice of Ahrimanic Yoga. The Aim of Ahrimanic Yoga concerns the practice of developing a mind and body that has no inhibition against our Serpent nature. This Daeva is chief and a leader of Daevas , and the throat chakra is a manifold , wherein the twin Energies of Ahriman and Az conjoin and interface the Serpent of darkness , projected as the Power of Dushutka (1) or ‘Evil Word’. Intent to speak from a self-serving perspective is to this day  considered “evil” in our Western Consciousness due to the expectations of our pastoral society as it does not serve the comfort and safety of the Herd Mentality. Thinking and then Speaking from an individual and desire driven center is not the naturally exempted way to be human. Individuals who enthrone Desire as the driving force of our words are usually labeled as ‘narcissistic ‘ , and or Selfish. Savar is spoken of in the Bundashin as,

               “ 9. The business of the demon Savar, that is a leader of the demons, is this, that is, misgovernment, oppressive anarchy, and drunkenness.” (2)

     Savar is the Daemon of “evil” word, speaking against and blaspheming the unnatural constraints of Order and Obedience. The Yatus  is aware that in order to envelop this material world with darkness, one must operate within the extremes of the opposing ranks of Daevas, within that expanse resides the will of the Yatus. Acknowledgement of that natural balance enables the yatus to choose the eventual Dominance of “Anghra Temnah”or Endless darkness , conceived within the Mulandura, incited and inflamed in the lower chakras, and infused within the Vishuddah for its eventual expansion within the Anja chakra. Dushutka for me is that moment of having the courage to speak my will forward without fear of consequences. Brining chaos and disruption to that which may control the desire to sacralize carnal desire and individual rebellious lifestyle, words, and spiritual pleasure. 

     Saturn would be the Planetary correspondence to this Daeva, and the Sun would be its opposite in relation for Sparian correspondences. Saturn, also known as ‘Kevan ‘ and is the Planet who attacks the Pole Star for those who understand the natural order of Ahrimanian cosmology. Savar can be invoked using the correspondances suggested in former articles. I often use Sand art in the wild for Daevonic invocations. The Yatus may find the Appropriate Staotas in Michalk For’s book Drauga for this invocation. Instead of writing an invocation this time. I am going to make a few suggestions for the aspiring Yatus to consider. 

  1. Tea made from Mugwort, and intoxicating substances may be used to achieve a disembodied state. 

  2. Bodily fluids mixed with gravedirt and dead matter can be used to attract the Daeva and his servators to the incursion into “Anghra Temnah”

  3. The Yatus is encouraged to invoke this daeva with strong and consistent use of self written staotas. 

     The aspirant would also do well to study the Qlipothic associations to this chakra. Interestingly, there is an abyss left open if one were to compare the axis mundi to the Qlipothic tree of Death. I have come to think that this chackra is not only a place of manifold mixture and combining of serpent forces, also opened and driven by the force of will which fuses the fire of the serpent with intent. 

Diacorvum Nacht III

  1. Michael W Ford, Drauga : Ahrimanian Yatuk Dinoih, p.239



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